
abstract art background brown
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

i’m hooked,

these needles have pulled
at my heartstrings and
started to weave the
threads together in

a tight basket pattern
that binds me strand by strand in itself
and tugs unyieldingly
if i get too far away

it’s love

and i don’t know how it happened

ab teri mohabbat laagi, mere Saheb

it took years for feelings to grow
and now it has become clear
where i am always being pulled

shukhran lillah wal hamdulillah



Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash.


the sun rose for the first time for us today
the moon showed its face over the trees

for the first time,
the only time necessary for us to understand that what we love
is the only thing that can be Loved,
the only thing that can possibly Be


We’ve gathered to bear witness to the origin of everything;
The place of peace, where everything has been vested
Not yet manifest, but quite seemingly on the verge


maybe if we all sit together
on our humble knees

we might fit together like an intricate mosaic
displaying all of the colours that make up
the world in all its beauty

and maybe, You could do us the immense favour
of gazing here


Every country is your country
Every seat, is your seat

Every banda is your banda
Whether he knows it or not


we might be far from you but we want to be closer
and if you allow us, we will come together
and in coming together, feel your presence through each other, near and far


Every place is in congregation
Every one of us, your jamaat




Photo by Tyler van der Hoeven on Unsplash.


We all, are all waiting
Holding on to our hearts, unable to fully breathe


Some of us run, shedding layers,
while others wrap ourselves in new meaning

Some of us dissolve,

while others come together forming an intricate crystal

Some of us steep,
Some of us weep,

Some of us cocoon
and some of us unfurl


None can sleep


Our pores open
And we all brighten
And lighten
And fade
As the sum of our somes
become One.