
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.com

remember the days when we were
so shocked and awed that something good was happening to us

that we enjoyed the thrill of the moment,
like the swift hop onto a moving cable car on its way up the mountain

and we were just thankful to have landed on our feet


these days we feel the ground beneath our feet all the time
yet the fear that pervades us is as though we were miles up
without a safety net


why has it become so easy to disregard an upswing
without it stirring up delight and amazement?

why has it become so difficult to not fear an impending downswing,
as though we are forgetting that misfortune is anything but stochastic?


we need to remind ourselves that
this has all been good, built on good

and may every leap we make be just like that first one,
free, unencumbered and full of hope

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